For over 100 years Local 14 has been dedicated to assisting its membership in securing employment, defending their rights, striving to provide well-trained productive employees and advancing the interests of working men and women for dignity and respect in the workplace.
The members work in industrial and commercial settings. Industrial applies to all types of industries, such as chemical process, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, metal and other process industries. The commercial field includes hospitals, schools, high-rises and many other building structures. The Members have the resources and skill to handle any insulation project. For thermal control of multi-million dollar projects, annual maintenance jobs, or small repairs, nothing is beyond our capabilities.
We understand that for business owners, the lives of their employees and the safekeeping of their property are crucial concerns. You can have peace of mind knowing that Local 14 members have provided you with the latest in fire stopping technology.
To maintain safety and control over your project in today’s changing market, environmental services are a necessity. Whether you’re renovating or maintaining an existing property or construction of a new building, you need expert personnel to perform the critical and specialized work of abatement. Our members provide a full range of environmental services, including asbestos and mold abatement.
Business Manager
Financial & Corresponding Secretary
Robert J. Cellucci
Dennis Kilderry
Vice President
Casey Ackler
Executive Board
Michael Griffin
Sean Cunningham
Nioclas Hope
Robert Riley III
Stanley Zawislak
Business Agent
Sean Bowman
Stephen Roberts Jr.
Recording Secretary
Edward Krawczyk
Sergeant at Arms
Michael Kelly
JATC Administrator
Ed Krawczyk